Friday, March 9, 2012

A California Town

So last week's auction led me to some real picture postcards from the sixties.  The traveler found his way to Rough and Ready California.  The postcard showing the bullet holes through the sign and the old cars are what caught my eye.  Then I read the name...Rough and Ready...that's a statement!  So I looked them up. 

The town is small.  It was setup by a mining company.  The town was named after the mining company and the mining company was named after a General Zachary Taylor. It's a registered historic landmark.  One interesting fact about them is that shortly after forming the town, they seceded from the Union (declared themselves independent from the United States) but 3 months thereafter, re-joined.  Supposed reasons for the secession - to avoid taxes, to avoid the prohibition of alcohol, to allow them to prosecute a local hustler that the law otherwise wouldn't allow them to as no crime was legally committed.  In 1859, a fire devastated the town.  The 'Grange Hall' building was one of the few remaining intact.

Today, there are around 1000 residents.  They hold an annual chili cook off at the end of September.  There still are a few buildings standing from the late 1800's.  Would be a neat place to check out!

Real photo postcards were introduced around 1900.  Known by the acronym RPPC.

Until the next find.....I bid you well

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